This site contains English translations of anarchist flyers from Italy. It is all anti-copyright, and I encourage those who find something they like to use it as they see fit.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


They are old things, from another century. Poverty, which progress seemed to have banished from the West, comes back to make us feel its bite. Bankers aren’t jumping from windows yet, but the poor are filling the streets. Factories and shops close their doors. Millions of people find themselves with no means for facing the future. They were promised that a life passed on their knees, between a job that profited a boss and obedience to the will of the government would at least ensure a quiet survival for them. Now it’s clear to all that this was a lie.

They are old things, from another century. The lines are swelling in front of soup kitchens. The number of thefts in supermarkets is constantly growing. Foreclosure proceedings pile up while there are around 20,000,000 empty houses here in the US alone. And while those on the bottom try not to die of hunger, those on top prepare for the worst, for the feared social explosion. “Zero tolerance” is guaranteed for anyone who breaks the law; new structures of detention are being prepared for natives and immigrants; soldiers and “volunteers” patrol neighborhoods that are under video surveillance. The old and new poor have to know: dying of privation or suicide, these are the only choices permitted to them.

They are old things, from another century. Today, more and more people are reaching out to grab wealth from the places where it exists in abundance. Some even have a dream in their heart, like the two anarchists, Christos and Alfredo, who were arrested in Greece on October 1 for a bank robbery. Christos robbed the bank at gunpoint. They claim that Alfredo aided him, taking the money on delivery. Now the two anarchists, one Greek and one Italian, are behind bars. Prison is the fate promised to anyone who isn’t resigned to dying in misery, the fate promised to the enemies of all exploitation and authority.

They are old things, from another century. A shattered economy, skyrocketing unemployment, the deterioration of living conditions, a war among the poor fomented by stooges of the powerful, the right wing using ever more blatant racist lunacy to gain support for more and more repression, a planet threatened by technological development, States alternating the carrot of democracy with the stick of totalitarianism…

In this sudden return to the past, there is still something missing: the offended dignity that drives desperation away, transforming it into action; the freedom that stops being the right to obey authority and goes back to being the challenge to every form of power; the desire to live that isn’t satisfied with what exists and mounts an assault to snatch what has never been.




They’re old things, from another century. Two anarchists get arrested after a bank job. The first robbed it, gun in hand. They say the second helped him, holding the money. It happened in a small Greek village, this past October 1. And so? There are things that happen. And then that is a far away country, with an incomprehensible and untranslatable language. Who do you want to be interested in it? The robber is Christos Stratigopulos, already arrested and convicted here in Italy fifteen years ago on a similar charge. The penalty served, he returned to Greece. Remembered by a few, unknown to most. But the other one arrested is Italian; it is Alfredo Bonanno. Yes, precisely him; who hasn’t heard his name? In its own small way, the news has gone quickly around the world, revived by many press agencies: “one of the major theorists of insurrectionalist anarchism”, “among the major ideologues of anarchy”, “anarchist activist and writer”, “international fugitive anarchist robber”, “theorist of revolutionary violence”, has ended up behind bars again. The promoters of antiterrorism, both Greek and Italian, have rushed in, ready to exploit the juicy occasion. The elements for concocting a fine theorem are all there: a country in which there are still fires blazing after the great insurrectionary conflagration that flared up last December, a Greek anarchist active in the movement, a foreign anarchist known for his subversive theories who travelled around the country holding meetings, a bank robbed.

Christos has taken full responsibility for the act, caused by economic problems, denying Alfredo’s involvement. But, clearly, the judge didn’t believe him. So both are still in jail. The first, because he dared to reach out a hand toward wealth rather than resign himself to dying in misery. What’s more, he is an anarchist. The second, because… because… because maybe he helped his comrade. And, for sure, he is an anarchist. And that’s enough.

They are old things, from another century. Two anarchists get arrested after a bank job. Outside, solidarity is organized. Funds start to be collected; initiatives are prepared. But that’s not all. In Athens, the two prisoners get explosive greetings from the group Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, which had just disturbed the crowning of the new Greek premier. In Villejuif, France, someone renders their homage by smashing the windows of the local offices of the Socialist Party. One of the beauties of anarchy is that it doesn’t recognize borders. And in Italy? Bah, here it has been limited to communicating the news, faithfully and coldly reporting the journalists’ poisons. No comment. The drafters of daily virtual communiqués say nothing. The tenders of militant gardens fall silent. The little strategists of the new alliances hush up. The movement has now become a community, and anyone who doesn’t share its rules and language doesn’t exist. He is nameless. In the rush to follow the masses, have individuals been forgotten? Perhaps it’s better this way. Better a sincere silence, if in the face of such an act, one no longer knows what to say, than hypocritical chatter about solidarity. Let’s leave that to the Stalinist annoyances and other ruins. Or to a few third millennium fascists, who on one of their forums rendered “honor” to the two arrested anarchists.

They are old things, from another century. Two anarchists get arrested after a bank job. The first is 46-years-old, the second 72. Whether guilty or innocent, for them being anarchists doesn’t even have the excuse of being an infantile disorder of extremism. Stubborn as they are, they haven’t understood that now is the time to ride the wave of social movements, to defend who knows what in front of places of power, to act as social workers for the damned of the earth. No, they haven’t understood this. The dream that they have in their hearts is much too big to adapt itself to the tick-tock of modern times.

No pardon, no pity.
Good-bye, beautiful Lugano.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This past September 24, in the United States, thousands of men and women went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to protest against the G20 summit, which was devoted to giving new rules to an economic system whose devastation is visible to everyone. Along with truncheons, fire-hoses and rubber bullets, the government presided over by the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner used “the Scream”, that is, LRAD—the sonic cannon for dispersing crowds used up to now only in war operations—against the demonstrators.


In Genoa Italy, in July 2001, hundreds of thousands of women and men converged from all corners of the planet to protest against the Earth’s Masters, each demonstrating their rage in the face of a social organization based on profit and privilege in their own way. The reaction of the state, the Italian state in this instance, was unforgettable: indiscriminate butchery. The demonstrators were beaten bloody in the streets and tortured in the barracks. One of them was shot down on the street in front of the whole world. This past October 7, the Italian justice system absolved the police chief and others responsible for the bloodbath. Two days later, on October 9, the same Italian justice system sentenced ten demonstrators to punishments ranging from six to fifteen years in prison. The state’s lackey’s who break bones and heads are kindly protected; free individuals who break windows are harshly punished.


This past October 8, in Athens, Greece, the newly elected leftist government ordered a huge raid in the Exarchia neighborhood, which led to the detention of more than eighty people. Exarchia was the initial hotbed of the generalized uprising that broke out last December following the murder of a young student by the police. For some weeks, fires of rage burned throughout Greece, heating up many spirits chilled by the social winter. The first thought of the new leftist government has been to strike at the heart of revolt, launching four hundred officers against it.


Yes, it has gotten through. Pittsburgh is like Fallujah, Genoa is on the way to Abu Ghraib, Athens is near to Gaza. There is no elsewhere in the one-way world of authority and merchandise. In less than a month, the state sent out its warning several times, clear and unequivocal: order must reign undisturbed; whoever dares to challenge it will be suppressed without mercy.

During the Vietnam war, one of the favorite slogans of the anti-militarist movement was Bring the War Home. Besides being a parody of the more pacifistic “Bring the boys home”, it also had a precise meaning: the war overseas had divided the country to the point that the moment had come to trigger off a war at home. Today, the institutions have brought the war home. The streets are filling with soldiers, divided between patrols and road blocks.

If we don’t want to remain victims or become accomplices of this war of extermination of every form of freedom, the only thing left to us is to take up the challenge.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


“The extreme deception of the modern epoch consists in the fact that today’s murderers have made the rhythm of history their own and that police-caused death operates in the name of democracy” (Hungarian Rising Sun, 1956)

What was already true more than half a century ago is especially true today. In Italy in 2001 as in Greece in 2009, people continue to die at the hands of the state’s lackeys: in the streets, in their houses, in motorway cafes, in the barracks, in prison. But the same happens throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Last week, Turkish police killed a Kurdish demonstrator; meanwhile a thousand kilometers away, in Berlin, a plain-clothes officer fired at a nineteen-year-old man, kneecapping him.
Fortunately, it sometimes happens that the murders, abuses and pompous arrogance of the state don’t just meet with consolidated resignation or sporadic opposition. It happened in Greece, where a year ago, a 15-year-old boy, Alexis, got killed by a police officer when he was found in front of a bar. For months, the whole country has burned with the fire of revolt, a generalized uprising that has rendered the politics of mourning and grief ineffective. No peaceful processions, no petitions to authority, no powerless indignation; only rage and fury against the state and its torturers.
Now the new leftist government gave orders to repress demonstrations organized on the occasion of the first anniversary of that murder, using any means necessary (including murder). On the eve of the anniversary, dozens and dozens of stops and preventative arrests were carried out throughout the country. During the anniversary demonstrations, hundreds of arrests were made in the streets, the setting of savage attacks. Broken bones and heads are no longer counted. One woman demonstrator was intentionally run over with a motorcycle of the police special corps and is in a coma.
But if the leftist Greek government of 2009, in imitation of the rightist Italian government of 2001, has thought that terror would be enough to pacify spirits, it has calculated badly. Magna Graecia is not the present-day drowsy Little Italy, where even state butchery seems to produce only ritual commemorations and implausible revisionism.
The demonstrations of Sunday, December 6, being repressed in blood, new demonstrations were called for the next day. The iron fist of repression also came down on these, with more butchery and another demonstrator gravely wounded. According to official estimates, in just two days, 823 people were stopped, and 159 of them were formally arrested and charged. It is not over… Because Greece burns, it continues to burn, with occupations of schools and universities, palaces and radio stations, with street blockades, with attacks against banks and police stations, with daily demonstrations in every city. Here State Terror isn’t able to impose any obsequious obedience, it only feeds new protests. In the cradle of civilization Eleutheria (freedom) is not the slogan of a party or association, it is a human passion to live, love and defend with force when it gets threatened. Anyone who isn’t willing to barter his or her dignity in exchange for a wage, a loan or a television, knows well that it is better to fight wearing a hood against the powerful and their stooges than to vegetate wearing a tie in their service.
This is the fiery ember that the revolt going on in Greece throws out into the world. To come out of the Great Chill of depression and resignation, of poverty and fear, of power and obedience, the fire extinguisher of politics is good for nothing. In all places, at all times, what we want is the Greek Fire, ancient and mysterious incendiary mixture, inextinguishable because impervious to water.

Some anarchists

Liber ignium ad comburendos hostes

Ignaem græcum tali modo facies: Recipe sulphur vivum, tatarum, sarcocollam et piceam, sal coctum, oleum, petroleum er oleum gemmæ. Facias bullire invicem omnia ista bene. Postea impone stupæ et accende, quod si volueris exhibere per embotum, ut supra diximus. Stupa illinita non extinguetur, nisi urina vel aceta vel arena.

[A relatively literal translation of the above:Book of Fire for Burning Enemies (by Marcus Græcus)

You make the Greek fire in this way: take natural sulfur, tartar,sarco-gum(? animal gum) and pitch, salt cooked from water, petroleum and germ (grain?) oil. Boil all together. Then immerse the oakum (fuse) and light it; if you want you can launch it with a piston, as said above. The flaming oakum doesn’t go out except with urine, vinegar or sand.]

